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SCE ELRP Direct Customer Enrollment
Before you begin the enrollment process, please gather the following information:
Business name (as it appears on your bill) for each site
Service account number for each site
Service address (as it appears on your bill) for each site
Applicant contact information (name, email, phone)
If any of the sites you are enrolling have a back-up generator, including any prohibited resources
, you will be asked to provide the following: nameplate capacity, fuel type, notice time, ramp time, and specify whether you intend to utilize it in response to an
event (if permitted)
Whether any of the sites you are enrolling have a Rule 21 export agreement and you would like to be compensated under
for load reduction associated with incremental exports
Confirm none of the sites you are enrolling have a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
Email address for personnel that should receive
event notifications
The nomination, or expected load reduction (kW) during events, for each site
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